מכשירים מתצוגה

Plate reader - BMG קורא פלטות יד שניה כחדש

מודל:FLUOstar Omega קורא פלטותיצרן:BMG Labtechמק"ט:Multimode Microplate Reader FLUOstar Omegaמצב:Pre-ownedשנת ייצור:10-2014
.The BMG Fluostar Omega is a Multimode Microplate Reader
   The Fluostar Omega Multimode Microplate Reader is a multi detection system reading the following techniques
Ultra-fast UV/Vis absorbance spectra
Fluorescence intensity, including FRET
 Time-Resolved Fluorescence TRF
Time-resolved FRET
Luminescence (flash & glow), including BRET

The Fluostar Omega Multimode Microplate Reader is a Fluorescence Microplate Reader that works as a multi detection system reading Absorbance and Glow Luminescence.  
This system is ideal for cell-based studies and works well with other molecular biology applications as well.  
The BMG Fluostar Omega readers can handle microplate formats from 6 to 384 wells and is driven by Omega software. The Omega software is easy to use enabling to build protocols for several assays for ELISA, nucleic acid quantification, DNA quantification, protein quantification, molecular biology among others.  
Catalog # Module
Multimode Microplate Reader FLUOstar Omega with 
ABS Spectrophotometer optic for FI + TRF 8 filters. Manufacture BMG Labtech
Reagent Injector 1
Reagent Injector 2
Luminescence module up to 96 well format
Accessories Omega Program installed on PC (with screen, mouse, keyboard)